Latrobe Youth Choices making a difference for young people

Become a
Local Hero

NOTE: This section is being developed at present...

Employers and Young People - download The Complete Package and get started –


Young People

The Complete Package - is your simple guide on how to give a life changing opportunity for a young person and navigate their journey into their first job

We’ve created The Complete Package to encourage and support employers to create pathways to employment for young people in Latrobe.

Employment pathways include:

  • Traineeships
  • Entry level positions
  • Work experience placements

Latrobe Valley #JustOneThing local heroes

We’re celebrating locals in Latrobe who are doing #JustOneThing for young people.

Read their #JustOneThing stories....

  • Latrobe Women in Business - buy a young person a dinner ticket for their events
  • EPA - Creating their annual "new job for a young person"
  • Latrobe Valley Authority's #JustOnething - traineeships for young people
  • Gippsland Water's #JustOneThing - Mock Interview Panel at Kurnai College 




Hero Pledges



Commitment by individuals, employers and others from the Latrobe Valley whoa are supporting young people

So… will you do #JustOneThing to support young people?


You’ll join individuals, businesses, community organisations and many more who have committed to:

Add your #Justonething commitment – Contact Us to tell us who you are and what you’ll do